World Cup Soccer
World Cup Soccer
Bally, 1994
A fun pinball for beginners and experts alike, Bally’s World Cup Soccer has a lot going for it. First, there’s the big goal shot up the middle. It’s always satisfying to get the ball past the goalie and score a goal! There’s also a giant spinning soccer ball that will send your pinball wild – maybe into the manually controlled kickout scoop? Two ramps with diverters feed the magnetic physical ball lock mini-playfield on the left-side of the machine. Once you get at least one ball locked there, aim for the challenging Final Draw shot to begin multiball! The more advanced rules involve participating in the World Cup, traveling to cities across the USA to challenge teams from all over the world. To top it all off, World Cup Soccer is given amazing energy through the voice work of Tim Kitzrow, famous for his announcing in NBA Jam. GOAL!!
Quick Tips:
- In order for your goals to count, you need to complete the star rollover targets. These are the red “buttons” that zig-zag up the playfield towards the goal. Once these are all hit, the large GOAL insert in front of the goalie will light, letting you know it’s ready to score.
- Use the flipper buttons to “kick” the ball from the saucer into the goal. Wait for the goalie to be on the right-side of the goal before kicking.
- The second button on the left side of the machine activates a “Magna Save!” There is a special magnet under the playfield near the left flipper. If the ball is moving too wildly, press the Magna Save button to activate the magnet in an attempt to regain control.
- The “Final Draw” scoop is one of the most important targets in the game and it’s very difficult to hit! Use the left flipper; it’s almost impossible to backhand this shot.