The band member symbols in the middle of LED ZEPPELIN’S playfield are the key to higher scores! Now, this is kind of a lot, but listen to me ramble on for a minute here to get a much better appreciation of how to play this awesome game!
So! Led Zeppelin pinball has 4 different target banks. From left to right they are: the BALL SAVE 2-bank, the L-E-D 3-bank, the Z-E-P 3-bank and the R-O-C-K 4-bank.
There also happen to be 4 members of Led Zeppelin: Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, John Bonham and Robert Plant. Each band member also has their own symbol: Jimmy Page is “ZoSo”, John Paul Jones has the “Triquetra”, John Bonham has the mysterious “Circles” and Robert Plant rocks a feather.
Each band member symbol corresponds to one of the four different target banks – complete the target bank, light the symbol. Once you have lit all 4 symbols, you’ve successfully “put the band together” and now you’re ready to rock.
You can now hit the Icarus target at the back of the game to activate your Icarus Multiplier, which is a timed playfield multiplier. Hold off on hitting it though – this multiplier can be increased to ridiculous levels!!
The trick is to end combos on any target bank you have already completed. This will add +0.1x to the symbol you ended your combo on, times the length of the combo you ended. For example, ending a 3 shot combo and terminating it on the R-O-C-K targets will add +0.3x to the Feather symbol. The symbols will change color, too! They progress from orange to green to blue to purple, so you can see at a glance how much you’ve pumped them up.
Keep in mind the Icarus Multiplier is calculated using the PRODUCT of the 4 symbols’ current value, not the sum (that’s an “X”, not a “+”) so you are encouraged to spread out the combos across the 4 target banks to get the best results! It might seem daunting, considering all those numbers and such, but fortunately, pinball machines contain modern computer technology which does all of this math for you!
So, now that you know the crux of Led Zeppelin’s amazing combo/multiplier scoring, let your hair down and rock out on one of the smoothest, coolest pinball machines ever made!
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